After some non-extensive research I have found that, shock horror, the sexes disagree. Seems there is a Mrs Perfect, just not a Mr.
After leaving a question on Facebook I got various replies. I asked friends if Mr Perfect would get boring. The overwhelming answer from women: yes. From men, that is different. It was more extensive. Men are more willing to overlook certain flaws in a potential partner than women.
Women see a man as work in progress, what they can do with him. One poor sod, who shall remain nameless, unknowingly volunteered himself as the male guinea pig. His opinion on it was that he is usually so besotted he doesn’t notice any flaws in Mrs Perfect. This was a sweet thing to hear from the ‘dominant’ sex.
Do we just believe all the fairy tales and expect Prince Charming to be Mr Perfect as well? Tall, dark, handsome, witty, intelligent etc etc. Does he exist? If he does, would he slay dragons for your hand in marriage? Or would Mr Not-so-perfect risk his life for your love? Why do we have a list of requirements when looking for potential partners? Why can’t we just be happy with being happy?
Surely that’s all that matters?
Or, maybe feminism is to blame. Over the years women have been empowered and told that they don’t have to settle for anything less than perfect. It’s what we owe ourselves as strong, independent women. And look where it has got us: high divorce rates, and more single women than you can shake a stick at.
Comedian John Bishop made a point on his recent appearance on Michael McIntyres Comedy Roadshow. With the invention of Ann Summers, how is any man ever going to live up to our over-inflated expectations? How can any man compete with a vibrating, gyrating, pulsing rabbit?
So, men, in order to be Mr Perfect, basically, you have to be everything she wants, which is impossible because she’d get bored. Also, have the ability to do things that are physically impossible to entertain her after dark.
Men of the world, you have my sympathy.
Many Thanks to Jamie xxx